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Noori Learning Centre Discoveries

  1. Recent brain research indicates that the brain searches for patterns and interconnections as its way of making meaning. This means humans learn by connection-making and therefore, it makes sense to teach through connections.
  2. Children who have the critical ability, i.e self-regulation (referring to the ability to regulate their social, emotional, and cognitive behaviors) have stronger academic achievement. This ability is a better gauge at determining how far a child has the potential to be excellent in academic performance rather than IQ or entry-level reading or math skills. Effective interactions with adults will also help explicitly in child's ability to self regulate and self direct himself or herself. In addition, children learn best through a quality, powerful and effective interactions with adults. The kind of dialogues and questions used by adults will help raise children's thinking level from lower to the higher order thinking.
  3. Sustaining a child's sense of awe and wonder about the intricacies of life is important. This habit must be cultivated from young and must be nurtured as much as possible. Having this sense of awe allows a child to be more appreciative and wanting to know more about the miracles of life surrounding him. This sustained power of being curious and having the willingness to search for more are two important factors that make a child more adventurous to create and to believe in himself or herself to produce rather than be passive consumers who merely accept things as they are.
  4. Character building programme which is virtue-centred is more effective in transforming individual rather than value-centred character development programme.
  5. Curriculum that takes into account and believes in a child's vital inner energy (soul and heart) is more whole and wholesome, in addition to bringing meaningfulness and making child's learning alive and balance to the outer or external energy (knowledge and skills – mind and body).

Apakah Anda mencari Daycare di sekitar Depok?

Dear parents,
May Allah's blessing be upon you.
per Januari 2012, alhamdulillah telah dibuka pelayanan daycare & kindergarten di sekitar Depok, tepatnya di jalan Margonda Raya 328, tidak jauh dari Margocity / Depok Town Square, dengan acuan international holistic curriculum dengan dua bahasa pengantar English & Arabic.
Layanan terbuka bukan hanya untuk Muslim, namun juga non Muslim sebagaimana Islam itu sendiri yang merupakan Agama kasih sayang bagi segenap alam (rahmatan lil alamin)
for further info, please contact 021.700.25.222 or 0812.989.16.165